Using SmartKeys

Every app user gets a unique token, called a SmartKey. The SmartKey is used to identify and authenticate that user to the application endpoint. It is also used to initiate OAuth dance with a provider, which then associates that user's auth tokens with their SmartKey and makes OAuth easy.

Get a user's SmartKey

GET https://{appname}

Note: this resource requires basic auth


Template Parameters

See an example in the API Console:

GET https://{appname}

Authenticating with an OAuth provider

Once you have a user's SmartKey, it's easy to gain authorization from any service provider you have configured. Assuming you've gone through the setup process to configure your app with the consumer token and secret granted to you by the service provider (e.g. Twitter), all you have to do is tell the OAuth API to start the authentication dance by directing the user's browser to: https://{appname}{providername}/authorize?smartkey={smartkey}


Template Parameters

Query Parameters

Important: the browser must be directed to this URL to complete the dance.

When the user has granted permission to your app, the browser will be directed back to the application, and the appropriate tokens will be associated with the SmartKey that began the dance.

Best of all, once you've added one service, you can add them all, since the OAuth API makes them work the same way.

Making Authenticated Requests

Once the authentication dance is completed with a provider, all subsequent API requests can be signed with the SmartKey. They will be mediated into OAuth by the the API Gateway. https://{appname}{providername}/1/statuses/home_timeline.json?smartkey={smartkey} Note: this resource requires SmartKey auth


Template Parameters
Query Parameters

See an example in the API Console:


Retrieving User Tokens

Once the OAuth dance has been completed, the user's auth token and secret have been associated with their SmartKey. It is possible to retrieve them using (though not necessary for working with the OAuth API):

GET https://{appname}{smartkey}/providers/{providername}.json


Template Parameters

See an example in the API Console:


Add or Replace User Tokens

The same resource for retrieving user tokens can be used to update them manually (used mainly for importing tokens, not necessary for working with the OAuth API):

POST https://{appname}{smartkey}/providers/{providername}.json


Template Parameters
Query Parameters

See an example in the API Console:


Deleting User Tokens

The same resource for retrieving user tokens can be used to delete them (not necessary for working with the OAuth API):

DELETE https://{appname}{smartkey}/providers/{providername}.json


Template Parameters

See an example in the API Console: